My Scholarship
My scholarship plays an important role in my classroom, informing not only what I teach, but also how I teach it. Below I have included some samples from my scholarship throughout my years in the classroom. A complete summary can be found listed in my CV.
Releasing Sonic Literacy at the 2024 NCTE national convention.
Sonic Literacy: Using Sound to Teach High School Reading and Writing. NCTE (with Anne Mooney), December 2024.
“Cultivating EL-Inclusive ELA Classrooms By Reading Sound Texts.” Heinemann Blog (with Anne Mooney), February 2021.
“Using Sound Texts in Antiracist Teaching.” Edutopia (with Anne Mooney), July 2020.
“Building Student Relationships Online.” Literacy & NCTE: The official blog of the National Council of Teachers of English, July 2020.
“Starting Small with Maker Education.” Edutopia (with Rebecca Lefroy), April 2020.
“Why Try Podcasting in the Classroom?" Literacy & NCTE: The official blog of the National Council of Teachers of English, November 2019.
“Episode 13 – A Student’s Perspective on Becoming a Reader and Writer” Prose and Context (weekly podcast written, hosted, and produced with the Lexington Christian Academy English Department), January 2019.
Presenting a workshop at the NCTE 2022 conference with my colleague Anne Mooney.
"6 Reasons to Try a Single-Point Rubric." Edutopia, October 2017.
"Teaching Composition Using Transcripts." Literacy & NCTE: The official blog of the National Council of Teachers of English (with Kate Artz and Anne Mooney), October 2017.
"More Than a Grade: Cultivating Intellectual Play in Students." Literacy & NCTE: The official blog of the National Council of Teachers of English, September 2017.
"Making Audio Accessible: Teaching Transcription as Composition." Presented with Kate Arts and Anne Mooney at NCTE's New England Summer Conference on College Composition & Communication: Sharing Best Practices at Boston University, May 24-25, 2017.
"Navigating the Soundscape, Composing with Audio." Scholarly webtext published in Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy (with Tanya Rodrigue, Kate Artz, Julia Bennett, M.P. Carver, Megan Grandmont, Anne Mooney, Michael Rand, Amy Zimmerman), August 2016.
"Let's Teach, Not Police: Expanding Our Understanding of Plagiarism in Efforts to Combat It." Published in Write to Learn, Learn to Write, Spring 2016.
Tales of a Webtext with 10 Authors: Pedagogical Affordances of Digital Collaboration Tools. Presented at Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC), April 6-9, 2016.
Contemporary Scheherazades: Arab Women Narrate Their War Stories. A Salem State University Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies Research Conversation, December 3, 2015.
"Teaching Writing in the 21st Century Classroom." Write to Learn, Learn to Write, Fall 2015.